Farmers Urged to Visit Their Local Farm Service Agency Office Soon

Farm Service Agency offices around Louisiana and the rest of the country will be working on a five day a week schedule at least through the end of this month, then go to a three day a week schedule in early February.

Kyle McCann, National Affairs director for the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, says farmers need to get to their FSA office right now.

“First and foremost is operating loans. It’s the time of year to get operating loans lined up and go forward,” said McCann. “The majority of growers in our state either use the direct or guaranteed loan program, so it’s absolutely critical that they get moving on this because it takes some time. While the FSA offices are going to be open it’s not guaranteed they’re going to be open after the 21st of February. So it’s important to move on that.”

“Secondly,” McCann continued, “wold be the MFA payments. A lot of growers had already filed their paperwork before December 28th. Anyone that did not needs to get in as soon as they can and get that work started as well.”

don molino