Hill Farm Research Station to Host Northwest Beef and Forage Field Day
The LSU AgCenter Hill Farm Research Station will be hosting a Beef and Forage Field Day on Thursday, April 26th, from 8:30 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. at the Hill Farm Research Station located at 11959 Hwy. 9 in Homer, LA.
Topics to be discussed at this 6th annual event include: calving problems, bull selection and management, weed control options, using legumes in pastures, an update on the Louisiana Master Farmer Program, and a cattle market update by Dr. Derrell Peel.
In addition to a great lineup of speakers, there will be a tradeshow featuring a large variety of equipment, products, and services of interest to the cattle producer, and a hay baler demonstration after lunch.
This Beef and Forage Field Day is a free event with lunch being provided. Please R.S.V.P. with Kathy at the Hill Farm Research Station by April 19th. The number at the station is 318-927-2578. For more information on the Beef and Forage Field Day, or other LSU AgCenter beef cattle programming, please contact your local LSU AgCenter Extension Office. If you should need special accommodations to attend this field day, please contact Kathy at 318-927-2578.