Opportunity to Apply for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program is Here
By Amy Robertson, Louisiana Natural Resources Conservation Service
ALEXANDRIA – USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting applications for financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). This program provides farmers, ranchers and forest landowners an opportunity to improve conservation on their land while at the same time, strengthening and improving production.
EQIP applications are accepted year-round, however, there are specific times that applications need to be submitted for evaluation, ranking and approval of eligible applications. Those interested in participating in EQIP should visit their local NRCS office to apply by October 20, 2017.
There are numerous benefits that participants will realize through EQIP including: improving water and air quality, building healthy soil, improving grazing and forest lands, conserving energy, enhancing organic operations, improving wildlife habitat and much more.
In addition to general EQIP, the October 20th application period also applies to many special initiatives such as the National Water Quality Initiative, Mississippi River Basin Initiative, Beginning Farmer & Rancher and Socially Disadvantaged Farmer & Rancher, Longleaf Pine Initiative, Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative and Organic & High Tunnel initiatives.
Participants are encouraged to visit their local NRCS office to learn more about EQIP and how to apply. For more information on the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, visit the NRCS EQIP webpage or your local NRCS office.