Louisiana's Largest Farm Convention Coming to New Orleans This Week
More than 1,000 Louisiana farmers will meet at the New Orleans Marriott for the 95th Annual Convention of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation.
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana farmers are wondering how the new administration in Washington D.C. will affect issues like trade, immigration and the environment. They’re not just wondering, though, they want a voice in those issues.
More than 1,000 farmers and their families are expected to attend the 95th annual convention of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation to discuss these issues and establish policies for the entities that govern agriculture. The convention, the largest annual farm gathering in Louisiana, will be held June 29th – July 2nd, 2017.
“It’s always a great event when all of Louisiana agriculture comes together in one place to discuss the future of our industry,” said Ronnie Anderson, president of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation. “Farmers from every corner of the state who produce every different commodity are represented at our convention.”
The annual convention is a time for parish Farm Bureaus and their members to present and establish policy to guide the organization for the next 12 months. The policy recommendations range from commodity-specific objectives to environmental concerns.
Farm Bureau will also choose the winner of the Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award, the Outstanding Young Farm Woman and the Excellence in Agriculture Award for 2017. Young farmers and ranchers will also compete in the annual YF&R Discussion Meet contest.
Youth contests are always a popular event at the Farm Bureau convention, including the Talk Meet, Talent Contest and Queen’s Contest.
Farm Bureau is the state’s largest general farm organization. More than 230 voting delegates to the convention will bring with them policy initiatives established at the parish level. Much of the policy was garnered from local farmers through meetings conducted during the year.
A complete guide to the convention is available online at LFBFConvention.org.