Strain Travels to Central New York State

By Don Molino, The Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network

Louisiana Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Mike Strain is in Cooperstown, New York, today for a meeting of the Northeastern Association of State Departments of Agriculture.  Strain is serving this year as president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture.

During his report on the Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network, Strain said he and the other commissioners will be talking about not only the northeastern part of the US bur also  as it crosses entire borders of the US.

“We’re specifically going to be talking a great deal about our trade with Canada, and part of the discussion is going to be about milk,” Strain said.

Strain also pointed out this talks are becoming more and more vital as the deadline approaches in some 80 days for the re-negotiations to begin on the North American Free Trade Agreement.

don molino