Feral Hog Bait Awaits LDAF Registration

By Don Molino, Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network

During his report on the Voice of Louisiana Agriculture Radio Network, Louisiana Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Dr. Mike Strain said his office is in the process of registering KAPUT, the feral hog bait that received EPA approval on January 3rd.

This feral hog was killed on Blake & Brandon McCartney's farm in Red River parish.  The McCartney brothers killed over 380 feral hogs on their farm in 2016.  They will still lose thousands of dollars in feral hog crop damage this seaso…

This feral hog was killed on Blake & Brandon McCartney's farm in Red River parish.  The McCartney brothers killed over 380 feral hogs on their farm in 2016.  They will still lose thousands of dollars in feral hog crop damage this season.

“It will be registered in Louisiana as a conditional use controlled product, under the 20-4-C label,” said Strain. “What that means is you will have to have a restricted use chemical pesticide type card as well as some additional training in the use of this product. When you have that additional training you will get an endorsement on your card and you’ll be able to buy the product.”

Strain points out KAPUT will be restricted just like the other 14,000 chemical that are available for use in Louisiana.

“It has to be used exactly as the label says…you’re going to have to use the correct type feeder,  you’re going to have to  feed the pigs for 3-6 weeks with a corn type product to get them used to using the feeder.  Then the product will be used all at once,” says Strain.

Farmers and ranchers who use KAPUT will be responsible for burying the dead hogs.  There will also be a mechanism in place that allows the LDAF to track who is using it and very good records will have to be kept.

The commissioner says he hopes to have KAPUT in the hands of farmers in the next 4-8 weeks.

“We have not completed the registration.  The company is in the registration process. We expect to have that done within a week or so,” said Strain.

According to Strain, if KAPUT is used properly it’s 98-99% effective.

“The idea is you get the entire group—or what is known as a sounder—of pigs.  It’s going to be used especially in those areas where they’re causing a great deal of damage.  But it’s going to be used under the strictest of regimens,” says Strain.

Monica Velasquez