Evangeline - St. Landry Rice & Soybean School Set for January 10
Two of Evangeline & St. Landry Parish's most economically important crops will be discussed at length at the 58th Annual Rice Production School and 51st Annual Soybean Production School. These production schools will be held together on Wednesday, January 10, 2018, with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the Ville Platte Civic Center.
Topics to be discussed by specialists and researchers with the LSU Agricultural Center will center on updated production practices concerning both crops.
Recertification is also offered on this day to all producers or homeowners needing recertification of their Private Pesticide Applicators Card. If you register, pay the $25.00 fee to the LDAF and the $15.00 fee to LSU AgCenter and attend the entire meeting, you will be recertified as a private pesticide applicator for another 3 year period. BOTH PAYMENTS MUST BE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED!
These private applicator recertification meetings will also be offered in February. At the meetings in February you will only be required to stay 1 ½ hours to be recertified.
The Annual Rice and Soybean Schools are sponsored by the following agricultural supporting businesses and industries: Acadiana Risk Management, , Agrotain, Asgrow, BASF, Basile State Bank, Bayer Crop Science, Crop Production Services, Delta Grow Seed Co., Dupont Crop Protection, Evangeline Rice Growers Assn., Evangeline Bank & Trust, Evangeline Farm Bureau, First South Farm Credit ACA, Sanders, Green Point Ag, Gowan Company, Jeff Davis Bank of Mamou, Mamou Rice Drier, Flat Town Equipment and Farm Supply, Monsanto Seeds, Ortego Services Inc., Pioneer, Progressive Tractor, RiceTec, Soileau Industries Inc., Syngenta, Terral Seed, Tri-Parish Bank of Eunice, Valent USA, Ville Platte Rice Drier.