Strain Statement on President Trump's Tax Reform
Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain, D.V.M., has commended President Donald J. Trump’s efforts on tax reform which includes cuts for America’s farmers, ranchers and foresters.
“It is absolutely imperative for the future of agriculture and forestry in the state of Louisiana and the rest of the United States that we address the inheritance tax or “Death Tax”. The inheritance tax often prohibits farms from being transferred from generation to generation because of the excessive taxation which undermines our future ability to produce food, fuel and fiber,” said Strain.
“A lowering and restricting of tax rates will put more money in the pockets of our citizens and will ultimately allow farmers and other business owners to have more money to invest and help grow the economy,” added Strain. “Lower tax rates for consumers will also increase their purchasing power for better nutrition for all American families.”
Agriculture and forestry contribute nearly $11 billion annually to Louisiana’s economy.