New Mid-South RCPP Deadline Approaches For LA, MS, AR & MO

By Josh Hankins, USA Rice

Over the past month, USA Rice hosted outreach meetings across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri to spread the word about the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), Mid-South Graduated Water Stewardship, that will bring financial assistance to rice producers implementing working lands conservation programs throughout the four states.  

This project was made possible by the Rice Stewardship Partnership, a partnership between USA Rice, Ducks Unlimited, and other organizations, willing to invest money, labor, and materials on initiatives to expand voluntary, private lands conservation.  

Representatives from USA Rice, Ducks Unlimited, USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and participating partner Delta Plastics, were on hand to talk to rice producers and answer questions about the new RCPP program.  

"The Rice Stewardship Partnership's efforts have made a tremendous impact on working lands conservation programs in Arkansas," said Arkansas rice farmer Mark Isbell.  "It is great to see another rice targeted program being rolled out."  

In Arkansas, Missouri, and Mississippi, producers in participating counties have untilFriday, November 17, to sign up for this RCPP's Environmental Qualities Incentive Program (EQIP).  Louisiana producers' sign-up period ends on December 15.  

For more information and to sign-up, visit your local (NRCS) office.