Louisiana Soybean & Grain Board to Meet Soon
The Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board will hold its annual November project review meeting November 16th and 17th in Efferson Hall on the LSU Baton Rouge campus.
St. Landry Parish producer Charles Canatella, chairman of the board, says most of the meeting will be taken up with LSU researchers showing the board the results of the projects they’ve been working on this past year.
“They will also be giving us new proposals to look over that we can decide on in our January meeting,” said Canatella.
The board will also go over its proposed budget for next year.
Another issue to be discussed involves the American Soybean Board.
“Ray Schexnayder is terming out on the American board so we’ll be taking nominations to replace him,” Canatella pointed out.
“We’d love to have consultants and growers that have problems with soybeans to come out and explain these problems to the board and the LSU AgCenter staff so we can start some research to correct those problems,” Canatella said.