Honey Bee Field Day This Weekend
The USDA Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory and the Louisiana State Beekeepers Association will hold the 21st Annual Field Day on Saturday, October 21, 2017. The event will be held at the laboratory, located at 1157 Ben Hur Rd, Baton Rouge LA 70820. This is near the intersection of Nicholson Drive (Hwy 30) and Brightside Dr., which is about two miles south of the LSU football stadium.
Gates will open at 9:30 a.m. with presentations and activities scheduled from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Field Day will include a series of talks in the morning from members of the Louisiana Beekeepers Association and the USDA-ARS staff about Louisiana beekeeping and research being conducted at USDA lab. The afternoon features break-out sessions for beginners and more experienced beekeepers.
The beginning beekeeper course is directed to those who have little to no beekeeping experience. Topics will include basic bee biology as well as necessary beekeeping equipment and management techniques. A question and answer session precedes a practical demonstration in honey bee colonies.
The intermediate beekeeping course is focused on the beekeeper with a moderate amount of experience that is now ready to take it to the next level. Topics will include making splits, swarm catching, monitoring techniques and treatment options for Varroa mites and small hive beetle, followed by a final field session examining open colonies. This session will address the major problems in colony health and include discussion and guidance on the primary pests and pathogens affecting honey bee colonies. There will also be a 2-hour focused workshop on selective breeding followed by a final session on queen rearing techniques.
A registration fee of $70 will be collected at the door for attendees 12 years of age and above. Children 11 and under must stay with their parents at all times.
For additional information please visit labeekeepers.org or contact Dr. Frank Rinkevich (225-276-3998 or frank.rinkevich@ars.usda.gov), Sandra Hineman (225-767-9280) or Joe Sanroma (318-346-2805).