Dry Weather Helps Louisiana Farmers Make Progress

Dry conditions have helped Louisiana farmers to make up lost time with the 2016 harvest and sugarcane planting.  The latest Crop Progress and Condition Report from the National Ag Statistics Service shows soybean harvest now at the 59 percent mark, cotton harvest now 27 percent done and 75 percent of sugarcane acreage planted.

Comments from Cooperative Extension Service Parish Agents:

“Dry conditions have aided crop harvest. Soybean harvest well under way. Cotton and sweet potato harvest progressing.” – Carol-Pinnell-Alison, Franklin Parish

“Soybeans not affected by August floods are offering good yields. Insect and worm pressure is high, armyworms and salt march caterpillar populations have completely defoliated some fields of soybeans and pastures. Rice harvest wraps up with mixed yields due to flood issues. An abundance of hay was made over the recent days. Cattle producers prepare for fall plantings for grazing but armyworm pressure is at all-time highs in pastures and what crops are left in the field. Sugarcane harvest will soon kick off.” – Vincent Deshotel, Saint Landry Parish

“Soybean harvest has started. Afternoon rain showers continue to slow fieldwork and harvest.” – Frances Guidry, Jefferson Davis Parish

“Still getting some afternoon showers that is delaying hay harvest. Soybeans beginning to be cut in the parish.” – James “Jimmy” Meaux, Calcasieu Parish

“As the week progressed drier conditions allowed farmers to accelerate fieldwork. Cane growers are trying to finish up planting to prepare for the start of grinding this week. Soybean growers are reporting some yield and quality losses related to the floods and heavy rains this growing season. Armyworm and sod webworm pressure in hayfields and pastures continue to cause damage and warrant treatment. Satsuma fruit are starting to turn color.” – Stuart Gauthier, Saint Martin Parish

Click here to see the full report

Monica Velasquez