Rice, Sorghum Harvest Ahead of Average Pace

Rice and sorghum harvest continue to progress at a rapid pace in Louisiana, despite rain showers and wet conditions.  

The latest Crop Progress and Condition Report from the National Ag Statistics service shows rice harvest now 39 percent done, well ahead of the 5 year average pace of 25 percent.  Sorghum harvest has reached the 38 percent mark.  The five year average for this point in the season is 22 percent.

Corn harvest is well underway with 18 percent of the crop now out of the field.

Comments from Cooperative Extension Service Parish Agents:

“Some scattered showers have delayed corn harvest. Most producers have begun to harvest corn. Rains are beneficial to soybeans, cotton and pastures. Armyworms in high numbers in pastures and crops that have weedy grass in the field.” – Carol Pinnell-Alison, Franklin Parish

“Growers continue to dodge hit or miss showers while trying to get rice harvested and cane planted. Warm temperatures and ample moisture continues to facilitate good cane crop development. Some cane lodging is being reported in some especially tall fields. This tall cane is allowing for a planting ratio of up to 6 to 1. Cattle producers are marketing calves, and clipping pastures. Hay producers are waiting for a more favorable weather forecast to make a cutting. Soybeans are making good growth and some early beans are being sprayed with defoliant in preparation for harvest.” – Stuart Gauthier, Saint Martin Parish

“Rain showers are delaying the rice, grain sorghum, and corn harvest. Yields are average for the crops harvested. Insects and disease are showing up in soybeans fairly heavy but the crop looks good. Livestock producers have abundant forage for grazing and hay. More hay will be made when the weather allows.” – Vincent Deshotel, Saint Landry Parish

“Wet field conditions are preventing most farmers from planting sugarcane. Some progress has been made relative to soybean harvest. Yields are acceptable (40 to 45 Bu.).” – Jimmy Flanagan, Saint Mary Parish

“Hot and dry week, rice harvesting going great this week, very little rain showers to stop farmers. Some pastures need a rain for hay production.” – Jimmy Meaux, Calcasieu Parish

“Sugarcane planting, rice harvest, and soybean harvest continue to be delayed by rain showers. Hay pastures continue to grow well, but are not being bailed because of rains. Farmers are eager to get these activities in full gear as crops appear to be in very good condition; however, weather forecast for upcoming week indicates several days of possible rains.” – Blair Hebert, Iberia Parish

Click here to see the full report

Monica Velasquez