Rain Continues to Cut Into Fieldwork

Luke Bryan's hit song says "Rain is a Good Thing," but it continues to cause problems for Louisiana farmers and crop development in some areas of the state.  Early season flooding continues to show its effects on the corn crop, with half of it rated in the fair to poor categories, according to the latest Crop Progress and Condition report from the National Ag Statistics Service.

Sweet potato planting has hit the halfway point, but is well short of the five-year average pace of 69 percent.  

Louisiana wheat harvest is wrapping up with 86 percent of the crop out of the field.  

Comments from Cooperative Extension Service Parish Agents

“We have been receiving some afternoon rain showers which has helped ease irrigation pressure. Non-flooded corn looks great. Other crops progressing.” – Carol Pinnell-Alison, Franklin Parish

“The grain sorghum, rice, and corn crops are heavy into the productive stages of heading and filling the ear. Disease pressure in rice is moderate to heavy with ideal weather conditions. Sugarcane aphid populations in grain sorghum have become widespread in recent days with insecticide treatments going out. There continues to be widespread rust issues in sugarcane. No break in the weather for the hay producer, more rain this week. Hay fields are rank and weedy. Disease issues in vegetable production with some tomato production completely done early.” – Vincent Deshotel, Saint Landry Parish

“Rains have hay fields in overgrown condition and little hay harvested. All early planted rice is heading and flowering. Later planted rice is being top dressed. Sugarcane is making excellent growth and soybeans are looking good despite the rains. Ranchers will begin summer calf management practices shortly.” – Andrew Granger, Vermilion Parish

“Spotty showers last week lasted for several days with periodical heavy rains. Rice is looking good, heading out nice. Very little disease pressure this past week. Will start scouting for stink bugs later on this week.” – Jeremy Hebert, Acadia Parish

“Scattered showers continue to interrupt fieldwork. Higher soybean prices enticed some growers to plant some last minute additional acreage. Canefly levels are building in sugarcane fields prompting some growers to initiate control measures. Dry conditions are needed to allow hay growers to bale hay fields that are quickly becoming rank. Stinkbugs are building up in home gardens. Cattle producers are marketing spring calves.” – Stuart Gauthier, Saint Martin Parish

“Showers and thunderstorms plaque fields. Disease and insect pressure brought on by moisture and heat. Work continues when dry.” – Reed Himel, Terrebonne Parish

Click here to see the full report

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