2016 Commodity Classic Learning Center Sessions Include Wide Range of Farmer-Focused Topics, Issues

Story by the High Plains Journal

From microbes to honey bees, from unmanned aerial systems to measuring sustainability, from global weather patterns to a more efficient office space—the line-up of Learning Center Sessions at the 2016 Commodity Classic offers a wide range of topics designed to help farmers become even better in every aspect of their operations.

The 2016 Commodity Classic, held March 3 to 5 in New Orleans, Louisiana, promises to be the biggest ever, with the largest trade show in event history and record attendance.

Learning Center sessions are in-depth discussions of current issues and topics that have a direct impact on a farmer’s productivity and profitability.  Learning Center Sessions complement the other educational experiences at Commodity Classic including the Early Riser Marketing Sessions, What’s New Sessions. Mini What’s New Sessions and the new AG CONNECT Main Stage on the trade show floor.

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