If You Take Care of the Land, It Will Take Care of You
If You Take Care of the Land It Will Take Care of You
Rachel Lee
LSU Ag Leadership Class XVII
This is the water tank that inspired LSA Ag Leadership Class XVII member Rachel Lee to write the blog. Artwork like this could also be found at the botanical garden at CATIE.
I saw this quote colorfully painted on a water tank in Turrialba, Costa Rica at CATIE, the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center.
After touring different sectors of agriculture in Panama and Costa Rica, I have come to realize no matter where the location, we all have one common goal in agriculture: sustainability.
I asked Dr. Eliecer Vargas, our tour guide for the day, about the research conducted at CATIE. His response was simple. Sustainable research was the primary goal.
Sustainability is a buzz word you often hear. It has a varying definition depending on who you ask. But in my opinion, sustainability has an ever-evolving definition. It’s using best management practices (at the time) for your operation to help conserve the soil, water and air quality while producing a quality product to help feed and clothe the world.
We were able to learn about the research and promotion of sustainable and conservation efforts the CATIE researchers are conducting, as well as their work in promoting women entrepreneurs in the area. This operation is very similar to what the LSU AgCenter Extension offices are doing back home.
Although the best management practices may differ significantly depending on the area, at the end of the day, we all have one common goal: to be good stewards of the land so we can leave it in good condition, if not better condition, for the next generation.
For instance, in Costa Rica, they harvest sugarcane and coffee by hand. I am exhausted just thinking about that in this tropical heat. But for them, with their steep hills, this is the safest route for both the soil and their employees.
My husband and I just had our first child, our daughter Giles. Because of her, I know even better now that sustainability is the goal with our family farm back home. I hope she learns the value of taking care of the land that takes care of her.
Giles Lee, 3 months, is the daughter of Rachel and Kellon Lee. The proud parents are working to sustain their farm to pass it on to her.